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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Krauthammer shows off his half hammer

Charles Krauthammer is distraught to the point of apoplexy over the prospect of having to listen to jihadis ramble in court.

Sure, it's a problem. Has anyone denied that, Left or Right?

What's a bigger problem?

The fact that Bush-Cheney never, in eight years or so, got KSM tried, one way or the other, along with many others and much work left undone. Seriously, their entire failed legal strategy escapes CK, as does the non-military trials that were done in the USA and elsewhere, leaving CK with nothing to offer except his junglisms:

Indeed, the perfect justice. Whenever a jihadist volunteers for martyrdom, we should grant his wish.

Perfect justice? Good grief. It's almost like a moral vacuum, every time CK opens his mouth on these topics.