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Monday, November 2, 2009

Jindal's "Mankiw Moment" - A Warning to New Jersey


After having followed Bush in passing out unpaid tax-cut candy, Louisiana's GOP Gov, Bobby Jindal, faced his 'Mankiw moment' a while back, as the state's finances went into the trash barrel, with a distinct revenue problem.

Now, he's proposed cutting back hard on higher education, health care and firing 1,200 state employees (bringing the total to over 3,000).

That's right, for the most part, the GOP's one-way train on taxes is now hitting education, health care, and the ability of the state of even properly handle what work it has to do...

Without the Federal aide coming to his state, Jindal would be looking for another $3+ billion to finance his ideology, over the upcoming years. He seems to suggest that consolidating mental health facilities in New Orleans is somehow more than a drop in the bucket.

In New Jersey, Chris Christie is promising voters an unpaid for tax cut. John McCain is robo calling voters to say that this is the change that New Jersey needs.

Please - we've seen the ending to that movie, already.