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Monday, June 15, 2009

"Revolutionary Islamic" Iran welcomes Its New Shah

I am away, but the events in Iran cannot be ignored, long.

It is the height of historic irony that, in the same week that the American President is publicly apologizing (or recognizing) the cold-war ugliness of Mossadeq, the current "Revelutionary Guards" of self-preservation are ... doing about the same as what was requiring apology.

The "Islamic Revolution" has come full circle with this ridiculous election, upending now almost any pretense to rule of law, let alone apt consultation of the governed.

Ahmadi-Nejad has de facto ascended to the peacock thrown, yes? I mean Iran is, once again, a openly military state, complete with locking up of political dissent, trampling of free speech, and secret / plain clothes police beating people in the streets (let alone what is going on behind closed doors). Islam? Sold out for the proverbial rice-bowl, among the Guard elites, mainly...

Update: Photos of Mossadeq appear ...