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Thursday, February 5, 2009

They've Got a Big Fight on Their Hands, Now

The Senate cloture non-vote fails on the stimulus plans.

Looks like today's progressives are going to have to fight for their values (and hone their own).

Who knew?

Is it time to go to maximum bargaining position and fall in line, yet? Probably. Bastard ruling class.

Overall, this is bad for Team-Obama, who could really use time to put together policy on a host of very, very other pressing issues. It's a terrible waste of time to have to go into the trenches. (So much for Dodd dismissing the value of 60-seats in the Senate...).

Still, there is opportunity. Obama could really flex his muscles. The GOP truly have a weak hand to play, and he could call their bluff in a way that greatly strengthens and elevates him, right out of the gates, before the first turn!

They included all kinds of money for rural America and, just today, centralized poverty in the ...er, faith-based government (gulp). Sounds like it is time to take the fight right to the heart of the conservative base, rural America.

In other words, he needs to "do a Reagan" and go over the heads of "D.C." and right to the people. I think he could pull it off. You?