Fishing? Something tells me that Andrew has never baited a hook his entire life, but is, rather, off somewhere making a list of how to stir up trouble in 2007, the good kind, that is.
Meanwhile, he leaves Us with a triumvirate of pretenders, some tried and some reportedly true. I don't know what one calls a bunch of Brits - a hoard, a bevvy, a pride, an ostentation, a Nelson's pocketful (did Nelson have pockets?), or a grandstand of socially overdeveloped, keen observers and takers. Perhaps just AS's term, hijackers?
So, reader(s) here will want to ask the important question:
Blogospherical Inversion - 2006 Remix | |
Les Penseurs? | Les Poseurs? |
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Clive, Alex, and Daniel - Which one is which? |
Clive - good fellow got off to a bad start by apologizing. The books-on-wheels series is great. Good grief, though, he must conscientiously read everything around, leading to a bewildering array of links, from Deborah Lipstadt to Tim Worstall (it's good to know about him, if one didn't, but do I really care about his misdirected sense that he is somehow "free to choose" post-Friedman). Sometimes this leads him astray. Afterall, the 1918 epidemic was just on my mind, too. Anti-Americanism was a good theme to introduce. All told with this list of wonderful links, often carefully introduced, but sometimes dumped, so far, neither penseur ni poseur, but ... voyeur?
Daniel - a view of his Windows and a list of things I like about America, to start? Poseur alert. That awkward piece about trust the truth that seems to ignore why Mr. Irving started to lie in the first place. Jumping into the middle of the "debate" on veiling (almost as carelessly as Andrew did himself?), as if this fundamentalist assault hadn't existed for decades and whether it amounts to more for jihadis than "free choice". No go, so far.
Alex - ah, Alex! Started a post with "Clive raises some excellent and important questions." Is that really a lead? Makes a good argument about McCain, but not in AS's quite often elegant prose. Did he miss the part where McCain probably got offers of help from Bush, last time Bush & Cheney were up on the Hill? So far, no opinion on insufficient data.