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Monday, October 15, 2007

Across the Universe

It's a well done flick. Interested in Douthat comma Ross's take.

It could have been horrible trite. It could have been documentary boring. It could have been every which way. It could have been endlessly cliche. It could have been ... well, there are so many ways that such an enterprise could have gone wrong.

Some of the music making is exceptional. Some of the interpretations are outstanding (I'm thinking Strawberry Fields on a Frankenthaler like canvas). T Bone delivers. There are no 'weak' performances, of note.

When you think about how challenging and intimidating a project like this is, it's really an achievement just to pull off something 'not bad'.

Try it: here's a list of songs from a period, you come up with a story, an allegory, and a visual interpretation that somehow ties everything together and is effortlessly transparent, i.e. doesn't become obtrusive or forced.

Ha! I wouldn't dare try it.