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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fisting Jonah

Watching Conservatives go to fisticuffs is ... ex-haust-i-n-g.

Conservatism is essentially a husk of a political philosophy, and its offerings the succotash of treats.

Conservatism as a governing illusion got unmasked because it had nothing to offer and wound up, as it must do, in an incompetent (subservient) and do-nothing Congress with the smiling face of above-it-all corruption.

Of course the Christianists, who actually want to do something, should leave Conservatism! D'oh.

The neo-cons, who actually wanted to put forward a Governing Philosophy, of course, do not belong in "main-stream" Conservatism!

We look for the resurrection of the dead (see pic) ...

As much as they might be cherished, childhood certainties, it's time to put away childish things.

Thatcher and Reagan were products of their time, not expressions of a timeless ideology.

After all, "small government" - what the heck IS that, except some hopelessly derivative formulation?
