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Friday, January 25, 2008

"Swanee River" Debate

Ronald Wilson Reagan parted his hair on the Right. Willard Mitt Romney parts his hair on the Left. Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan. (photos: cufflink media) [read the link!]

[I apologize to regular readers that I missed this debate, before the election that may well determine the GOP's nominee.]

From the post-analysis, it appears that Hewitt might be expected to be ...er, "high on life", given Romney's ... combing his hair like Reagan.

I find it laughable that the GOP are running on a platform that Government doesn't work, either because taxes are too high or regulation too much or whatever. Seriously, they've had all three branches of power for how long and they are still making "promises"? Even McCain cannot ultimately spin that elephant.


I want to see what becomes of Romney's attack on Hillary.

I'll tell you this. If I were in the Obama camp, I'd put up a trial balloon with the pros to see if the Senator would jump in to defend Hillary, especially if her campaign "ignores" the comments. I continue to think that people would like to see whether Obama can be a party leader; and, while I thought that he should pick and win a fight with Giuliani, Romney would do. It has its risks, but it also has the chance to break the news cycle away from the Clinton-Obama face-off, at least in the short term, while re-emphasizing the theme of the Obama campaign, if done properly.

Because the GOP are going to immediately go to work painting Barack as a "liberal" if he wins the nomination, just the way Fred Thompson tried to do, he needs to speak up now, early on. The number of good reasons to do so is ... long.


[By the way, how do you think Romney's suggestion that spouses say home "with nothing to do" is going to go over with the women voters of Florida? One starts to see how easy it is for the GOP to lose 50% of the vote, out of the gates ...]