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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Sins of the Husband

AS links Hillary to what he sees as the "sins" of her husband.

How does that work? On The Dish, she doesn't get common-sense credit for being a political partner, lest she submit to some sort of bizarre paper release demand, but she shares in the ... collective recrimination.

It's perceived as easier to lie than to ask for forgiveness, especially in politics, but including most other coveted leadership slots. All politicians ... ameliorate or try to not take on water they don't have to. On the whole, I cannot say I felt that Clinton-42 ever told a whopping "Presidential lie", in the sense of abusing the public trust. ["Lifting the ban" was thought to be a matter of Exec Order, like Truman's - it turned out not to be.]


I like the outline of Hillary's health care plan better than Barack's. Paglia can continue to find depth in flag poles or missed tips - that's not how I vote (certainly Edward's pricey haircut didn't dissuade me). If Hillary isn't her ideal woman, so what. Who in the field is the ideal man?

I can't estimate whether Hillary is better than Barack on gay issues. I'm guessing that her Ship of State will have more gay sailors than will Barack's, who seems a little uncomfortable in close quarters, still, to me; but he might do more systematically and forcefully to help (as much as his party will let him).

We might fault Hillary for being "calculating" or "cagey", but Barack has passed a lot of ammunition to the Republicans.

Here's a final question: If I want eight years, and the next four are going to be pretty awful for the next Executive, including possible economic and national security challenges, wouldn't Hillary's well-known brand withstand a greater beating than would Barack's?