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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Long Hand of Bush-Cheney-Rice Failure in Israel and the Mideast


Even then, the talks are not nearly what they need to be, a permanent, abiding commitment to ongoing talks and offers that are good enough to be left on the table, more or less.
How's that democracy working out, so far?

In Iraq, after nearly $1 trillion in direct expenses and thousands of lives, we have a ruling political coalition that is by necessity Iran-facing. It seems like we could have gotten the same for a lot less money and fewer lives.

In Palestine, Rice pushed Hamas into power, however indirectly, while it was on a designated terrorist list. While not decisive in itself, the series of errors of indirect effects stemming from that "vision" has brought about a series of very negative events, especially the wandering Gaza excursion, and a hardening of sentiment.

No one seems to be writing about a heartening prospect that Hamas will be losing power in the next elections, Ms. Rice, because of their poor political choices.

We are only now getting to the point at which is it possible for Arabs states to melt solidarity with democratically-elected Hamas; talks seem like a possibility, even if they are of a paper-cup variety; and folks like Netanyahu - also brought into power by situation-reactionary, democratic forces - are getting very nervous about having to make binding "concessions", perhaps enough to take a proverbial temple-mount romp, like stirring the pot with the recent Hebron 'historic sites' declaration or evicting people from their homes in the Old City so Jews can take their place, to shape the battlefield perception-environment for Israel.

Even then, the talks are not nearly what they need to be, a permanent commitment to ongoing talks and offers that are good enough to be left on the table, more or less. I know that's a tall order to fill, but it does seem to encapsulate at least two of the key aspects of the ethical burden of power, yes?