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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Whip-handle of Saving Souls


I'm sure there are some who still believe that, for instance, the Catholic Church's position on gays is theological, even primarily theological.

It is probably just as much a lesser of evils calculation: gays - visible gays - are believed by them to be bad for the Church's efforts to save non-gay souls.

It's hard to read the tea leaves, but this could be on display currently in Uganda.

Under a proposed legal revamp, gays are getting left over to what looks like a barbarous Sharia interpretation there, killed if "necessary", that is, so that the Catholic Church in Uganda can continue its grave quest to save the souls of ... non gays, unburdened and unhampered by any perceived teaching that runs up against apparently profound ignorance there.


After doing push-ups, the swells of the Manhattan Declaration announce their "orthodoxy". But life belies their art.


Well, check out what the Catholic Church is defending in Uganda.

Uganda has a diverse society. The draft Marriage and Divorce Bill aims to consolidate laws pertaining to all forms of marriage recognized in Uganda: religious, civil and customary. The new law would ensure both partners fair access to matrimonial wealth during and after marriage, make marital rape illegal, and ban bride price, a practice that demands the husband pays the bride’s family to marry her.

According to statistics from the Uganda Law and Reform Commission, 78 per cent of women have experienced some form of domestic abuse

What is the 'orthodox' response, the one that shows what type of marriage really, really, really is scriptural?

The Catholic Church in Uganda condemns the bill as decreasing the role of religion in marriage, giving more importance to material wealth and land.

I'll bet Robert P. George doesn't even blush at that condemnation. But that's not the softer, marriage definition he's pushing, because wails for "religious freedom" that included a marriage exemplar like Uganda's would just be too much to for Americans and wouldn't serve a modus of pushing the gays under the carpet to save souls...

BTW, one can check out the elites' concept of marriage, apparently not to be shared with those in the pews, for a cool $395.04 at Amazon.com:

At $395, are they trying to persuade or to preach?

Update: Robert George is just a fish in a fishy pond. It's all about the bigotry, "item #22": Defense of marriage groups will not support a ban-on-divorce amendment proposed for California.