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Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Detroit" Can Deliver - Strange GOP Proclivities

Do you think that Bush's liberation of Iraq will repay Americans ten fold? Yet, the GOP debt-spent how much money, without asking a penny from their base, the "have mores" as Bush once described them in jest?

Now the GOP regulars are all nervous about spending money on Detroit. So much so that they cannot even do it right - I think Paulson should have used his "Troubled Asset Relief Program" to, well, buy "troubled assets", namely the debt of GM at 20-cents on the dollar.

Soon, we will embark on "unsecured" spending to create jobs, perhaps the biggest since the Great Depression, given ... great worry that the economy is stalled in a way that monetary policy is ineffectual.

Now, amidst all that spending, you'd think that the GOP would be happy to have secured loans. No one has talked about grants to the auto companies, right?

Still, they are unhappy, as are many liberals. To figure out the political-social reason(s) why these loans are so begrudged is a tough nut, but it really contrasts (poorly) with how so many other developed nations have quickly put resources where they are needed.