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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Health Care Summit: First Pass

I haven't been through all of the materials conjured up by the Senate's "Healthcare Summit", but this caught my eye:

The single most important factor influencing the federal government’s long-term fiscal balance is the rate of growth in health care costs, caused largely by rising health care costs per beneficiary.
-Peter Orszag, CBO Director

True or false: the drivers of cost increase are also the single least understood part of the "fact set" used to debate health reforms.

Conjectures focus on so many things, from increased demand for care to patent protections for big pharma to end-of-life care.

We probably know more about the banking sector than we do about the health sectors...

There is/was a national health cost initiative that produces numbers. However, last I looked at what was available online, it wasn't at sufficient level of detail to be useful to policy formulation.