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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The False Goodbye

AS finds this whopper:

I was in my twenties with Reagan, but I felt he talked to me, even though we were all Democrats.

Apart from the revolting idiocy of this on so many levels, I have just one question:

Why is it that it is only the Democrats who have to drop their partisanship at election time?

Where are all the Republicans who are eager Democratic voters, eh, sick and tired of 'partisanship'?

The fact is, that the people who are sick-and-tired don't vote. And the GOP regulars who do - do they cross party lines?

If they do, doesn't Clinton, rather than Obama, have the track-record with that, given her success in upstate New York, which is not really "liberal" at all? AS doesn't seem to want to include those facts in his analysis.


The rest of the "tired of that" meme is a misplaced diagnosis. The problem in Washington may be heightened partisanship, brought to special heights under Newt and Mr. S (he who must not be named) but gilded with Tom "The Hammer" DeLay and the Abrahmoff-Norquist-Reid nexus?

The problem in Washington may well be not enough democracy. We continue to be saddled with the small state albatross, the phenomenon by which a majority get disenfranchised. Is it any wonder that people feel like their government doesn't do what they want? The Will of the People is getting thwarted by 'the system', not just partisanship.