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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Larry Craig :: Guilty of Footsie, Guilty of Feeling Guilty about Footsie (including intimidation), and Mocking the Judicial System

At sunset, Emmett, Idaho. (No, it's the Rodeo ...)


How do you just plead guilty and then go on to say repeatedly and publicly that you did so just 'cause?

You can get in serious trouble for that ... (it's no wonder to me that he's since retained counsel - at least as far as he is admitting).

On Aug. 9, the day after his guilty plea in Minnesota, Craig told the Statesman he had yet to decide whether he would seek re-election in 2008. He served five terms in the House before he was elected to the Senate. His third Senate term expires in January 2009. Lt. Gov. Jim Risch has said he will likely run should Craig retire. Former Democratic Rep. Larry LaRocco announced in April that he will run for the Senate.

[on DailyKos "The Democratic field has cleared for Larry LaRocco, former staffer to Senator Church, and former U.S. Representative for ID-01. LaRocco is a credible, experienced, and energetic candidate. Having as solid a candidate in place in this race as LaRocco will encourage national fundraising."]

Craig said that he would announce his re-election plans by mid-September. He said personal factors, including spending time with his nine grandchildren, were weighing on the side of retirement. But he also said he enjoyed his job and the benefits of seniority.
If only LaRocco were a Victory Fund candidate ... (Still, he was against the oppressive 2006 Idaho Marriage Amendment).

Maybe, someday, the GOP will welcome openly gay candidates to run for public office, even. Until then ... well, Larry Craig has a 0% rating from the HRC.

Maybe, someday, states like Idaho and Wyoming (which, incredibly, doesn't have a hate-crimes statute) will ... celebrate their gay citizens.


In the meantime, in these places where people are hundreds of miles apart, in places like Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, how mis-guided and mean-spirited is it to launch an attack on adult networking sites? [h/t JMG] I mean, some folks might get tired of waitin' for the rodeo to come to town ...

This looks like the WORST kind of Government snooping, in which the Justice Department gets carte blanche (a) to create lists of everyone who has ever used an adult networking site and maybe (b) electronically snoop around non-adult oriented sites at will in case they are doing anything adult-looking.

The regulations would allow the Attorney General to conduct warrantless searches at will on the sites’ records, including your personal information. There are few safeguards over what the FBI can do with the information it obtains. If a site operator fails to comply with the regulations, he or she would face a prison sentence of up to 5 years.


The pruriences of the Right

After a longer, more descriptive post than anything on the "left blogosphere" I've read so far, Dean Barnett introduces his personal "ickyness" quotient.

"As one who thinks that if you can’t avoid embarrassments like getting caught with a hooker, the United States Senate probably isn’t the best place for you to work, I’ll still concede [?concede] that what Craig did was obviously more icky than what Vitter did."

Who knew? Cheap, adulterous non-gay sex - (for the second time or so?) - with a hooker is somehow less icky than ... what didn't happen between two gentlemen in a restroom. It appears that just a gay, come-hither stare (or footsie), for Dean, is more "icky" than putting cash on the counter for a good time with a non-gay prostitute ... er, 'profoundly complementary' bang-of-a-good-time, shall we say?

*eyes roll*

Good luck with your icky-hierarchy, Dean.

You're in the right company. I imagine most people at Townhall.com think that anything sexual that they don't do is "icky", starting with a seeming homophobia, but not limited to it.