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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Benchmarks: OIF

"Terrorism is targeting scholars in an almost unprecedented way," says Allan E. Goodman, president and chief executive of the Institute of International Education, in New York. "It's hard to say there even is a higher-education system in Iraq anymore, with so many students and professors being killed and kidnapped on a daily basis." -AS

This has been going on for a long time.

This ought to have been a benchmark or indicator on the military's list of things, from day one when it was clear these people were being targeted.

Why? To lose the educated class is to lose the struggle inside Islam, arguably, not so much against al-qaeda, but against ... er, 'radical clerics'.

It's a red line. It's been crossed (in this way and in others).

Only one left of two, in my book of estimates (not yet crossed).